
SKU: Aurelia II, Digit Category:


Simple Bold Revolutionary

Suitable for High quality coffee shops, medium – high volume locations, demanding professionals, barista competitors, specialty coffee shops.

The Aurelia II Digital is the ideal espresso machine for all those who are looking for unprecedented performance and reliability

Digit: The Aurelia II Digit builds off our volumetric machine adding a number of additional features. Coming standard with a high resolution 4 ¼ inch LCD display this machine gives the barista unparalleled control over the machine at the touch of a button. Allowing the baristas to easily program dosages, boiler pressure, pre-infusion, and even energy savings settings. Making this one of our most flexible and consistent volumetric espresso machines.

Additional information

Number of Groups:

2-Group ($14,300), 3-Group ($16,850), 4-Group ($19,700)